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Call Me +385 915685659
I love words. I put them into shape so they achieve their purpose. I have more than thirty years of experience editing all kinds of texts. I specialise in academic writing in the fields of law, education, literature, and science and technology, but I can help you impress your reader, whoever it may be.

Line editing

Proofreading is the final check immediately before publication or submission. Here, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, incorrect or inconsistent punctuation, and problems with formatting, layout, and headings are identified and corrected.
Line editing
This form of editing involves more spadework, coming before the proofreading stage. The editor ensures that the content reads well and that it is clear and coherent. He will reword sentences to ensure appropriate and precise word choice and collocation, breaking down long sentences where necessary. He may decide to cut the text to avoid redundancy or repetition. Alternatively, he might add to the text to ensure that the points are sufficiently elaborated and well connected.
There is some overlap between copyediting and line editing. The main difference is that copyediting aims to ensure that statements flow logically and that the content is appropriate to its readership. The copyeditor is also responsible for making sure that the text keeps the tone and style of the publication to which it is submitted, not only consistently within the paper itself but across all the works under the publication.
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